Sunday, November 13, 2011

Action Research

What is Action Research ?
Administrative inquiry is one tool that can be used by principals to untangle the intricate web of demands in which they become entangled each day, take charge of their own professional development, and become the “head learner” of their school. It refers to the process of a principal engaging in systematic, intentional study of his/her own administrative practice and taking action for change based on what he/she learns as a result of the inquiry. Whether one is studying to be a school administrator or is a veteran administrator with years of experience but faced with new educational challenges every day, administrator inquiry becomes a powerful vehicle for learning and school improvement. The topic being researched aligns in some fashion with the shared vision of the campus or district as the vision articulates the goals for the organization, critical knowledge prerequisite to undertaking improvement efforts. A hallmark of action research is that it does not just consist of performing literary research when looking for answers, but also of adding something new to the existing literature, going beyond what is known or adding information or perspectives unique to a specific campus or situation that is not a part of the body of existing research. Action research often results from the process of administrator inquiry, the ongoing process of an educational practitioner wanting to improve themselves and their school. The action research is the inquiry performed by practitioners, often by a principal or leadership team on the inside involved in the operation of the school and holding a vested interest in the improvement of the school. As Dana stated “Administrator inquiry refers to the process of a principal engaging in systematic, intentional study of one’s own administrative practice" Action research allows the application of a case study approach to answer key questions or wondering, encountered in the everyday learning situations in a school or district.

How do I plan to use it?
Action research is a professional behavior exhibited by actively involved and concerned principals.It's a powerful vehicle for learning and school improvement. I plan to use it as an administrator for solving big challenges or problems for the improvement of my school. Administrators are faced with never ending demands from a large and diverse number of people coupled with various issues that need attention on daily basis. I will use action research as a tool to untangle the web of demands and take charge as a leader. It is a great way to collect data to gain insights and to analyze with reading relevant literature, making changes based on new understandings. It provides effective principal professional development within the guidelines and focuses on student achievement, supports reflective practice and provides opportunities to work, discuss and solve problems with peers.I would strive to continue to learn as an administrator and share my learning with my team to focus our attention on how to eradicate the problems disrupting learning in our school and try to be a problem solver rather than reacting strongly towards it. As Steve Belmarsh quotes: "No one will ever see me quit, because I simply won't. If I start something, I will finish it and do it well."

1 comment:

Matt's Blogger said...

Well said. I think of action research like an experiment. We gather information to be tested to come up with a solution. When we find something that works it seems the work is never done. We are always improving where we are. Great Job!